Pensions/Benefits Consultation
Do you wonder if you’re putting enough in your pension? Or too much? Or how you would know the difference?
- Are you concerned about having a roof over your head after you retire? Or whether you can attend both the Tony Awards and the Oscars in the same year?
- Serving part-time and wondering if you’ll have anything in the piggy bank for your years of service, once you retire?
- Do you wonder if you’re putting enough in your United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP)? What is the maximum allowed? Can I “catch up” now for contributions I didn’t make when I was younger?
- Should I be making a Roth contribution? Do I know what Roth is?
The answers to these and other similar questions may be found by learning more about how your personal pension plan and contributions are working for you now – and seeing how small changes might make big differences years from now.
One new service we will offer during Pastor’s School this year is free confidential personal benefit consultations. Two Benefits Educators with Wespath (formerly the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits) will be at the 2017 Georgia Pastor’s School meeting at Epworth By The Sea. They will offer private 25-minute consultations. Sign up ahead of time, and they’ll bring a Retirement Benefits Projection specifically designed for your particular situation to give you. If your spouse is at Pastor’s School, bring them to the consultation!
Bob Christophel
Bob is a Benefits Educator who provides financial, retirement and other benefits education for clergy and lay employees. Prior to joining Wespath in 2014, Bob worked in New York for 13 years as a Retirement Benefit Educator with Total Benefits Communications and the Cultural Institutions Retirement System. Bob started his benefits career path in 1989 with Dreyfuss Retirement Systems as a Communications Manager.
Peter Hang
Peter has been with Wespath Benefits and Investments since 1999, first as a team developer for the Pension Administration department and most recently as a benefits educator. In his current role, he travels to annual conferences to help conduct financial and retirement seminars for clergy and lay employees. The son of a United Methodist pastor, Hang especially enjoys interacting one-on-one with clergy and their spouses to help relieve some of the anxiety associated with retirement, all while putting a face to Wespath.
Consultations will be held every half-hour from 9 AM to noon and again from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 18 and 19). Since the slots at annual conference filled up early, we strongly suggest you sign up in advance. You’ll get a time you want, you won’t be waiting in line, you’ll receive a personalized printout — and you know they’ll have time to speak to you.
To sign up, just click this link, and it’ll take you to our sign up form.
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to call our office (number below).
Office of Administrative Services
PO Box 13145
Macon, GA 31208-3145